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Filled with the Spirit to Reach Out

Alicia Tan

The past weekend was a time of reflection for members of the CCMC Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC), as well as a time to plan for the year ahead.

At the annual LCEC retreat on 18 November 2023, the pastoral team, church leaders and chairpersons of the various church ministries came together for a prayerful session of worship, devotion, presentations and thoughts for the new year.

The year 2024 will mark the 30th anniversary of CCMC and the LCEC agreed on the theme ‘Filled with the Spirit to Reach Out’ which further builds on our long-term church vision: ‘To Know God Deeply and Make Him Known Widely’.

Pastor-in-Charge Rev David Gwee shared, “The most important work of the church is to win souls, which is the ‘reach out’ portion of our 2024 theme. We can plan all the programmes we want to do for outreach, but if the people are not moved to participate, we plan in vain.

“What must first be moved are the people’s hearts. We must help them to be convinced to live their lives for God and give their all for God. How do we do that? We must help them be filled with the Spirit.

“When they are filled with the Spirit, that’s when they will live for God and give their all for God and they will burn brightly for God. I see our church right now like a whole field of coal spread out, all glowing embers to a certain degree, some glowing brighter than others, some even aflame. Can you imagine the whole field of coal brightly alight? I believe that the heart of our church can be set alight.”

In line with the theme, the LCEC agreed on a 12-week sermon series based on the book ‘Experiencing the Spirit: Developing a Living Relationship with the Holy Spirit’ by Robert Heidler.

The sermon series will kick off on 7 January and focus on understanding the Holy Spirit, and how to be transformed, empowered and equipped by the Holy Spirit.

The 2024 pulpit calendar will be complemented by church events and activities serving the various communities within CCMC.

The LCEC members, led by Pastor-in-Charge Rev David Gwee, closed the retreat in prayer for the church, the leadership and the congregation to be energised, united and led by the Holy Spirit.


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