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A Sceptic’s Guide to Growth Groups: How I Survived the Care, Prayer, and Endless Supper Spreads

Michelle Han

Growing in Christ together!
Growing in Christ together!

1. They poke their nose into your business

I messaged my Growth Group (GG) and asked if anyone could spare a children's costume for my son. His school was holding their annual reading week and students were encouraged to dress up in themed costumes. The principal and staff also joined the fun with full costumes, and it was a much-anticipated event.

To my surprise, one of the GG members offered to design one. We all knew she had her hands full with a demanding job, and I was really moved by her kindness.

Throughout the week, she shared progress updates, and the final product blew me away. I could never have produced such an ingenious outfit! My son’s costume made a statement and undoubtedly contributed to his class clinching the ‘Best Dressed’ prize.

2. You will open up in ways that feel highly uncomfortable

During discussion, I hesitated to share an area which I had been struggling in. I feared what others would think of me and it was hard for me to confront my own inadequacies.

But after confessing my pain, others opened up about their own challenges and we prayed for each other. Our group leader also suggested accountability checks for those who needed it.

Once again, my inner sceptic resisted. But cliche as it sounds, it felt reassuring knowing that I was not alone.

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." - John 1:5, NIV

3. Your self-control will be tested. Repeatedly.

After concluding discussion, a myriad spread of supper choices await. Each of us contributes and it’s not uncommon for food to fill the table. Some possess admirable willpower and stoically decline all offers of food. Most tuck in with relish as we catch up on what has transpired since our last meeting.

I have had to make a tough choice, between a curry puff, yam cake or pizza. In the end, I wisely decided on all three, so I would leave without regrets.

Joining a Growth Group

If you are looking for a safe place to learn more about God, try visiting a few GGs to figure out which might be a good fit.

Taking the first step is not easy; it can drain an introvert’s limited social batteries. But, we can pray for God to open the right doors. It is sometimes messy, and you will not always see the best of others. If the first one does not feel right, try again. I promise it is worthwhile.

How to get started

To learn more about Growth Groups, email us at! We look forward to hearing from you.


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