“With it he touched my mouth and said, ‘See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.’ Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I.
Send me!’”
- Isaiah 6:7-8 (NIV)
The euphoria at the end of any camp is rarely missed by any good campers; be it a children’s camp, a youth camp, or like the recently concluded CCMC Church Camp 2024, held at Harris Resort Barelang from 6 to 9 June.
My wife has even coined a term for it, the ‘post-camp blues’, she says.
Indeed, it was a time where many of us could testify to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. The Word was boldly preached, and the people responded as many came before God to examine their lives, priorities and stewardship.
We had a great time getting to know each other, bonding over games, enjoying a campfire. We even had a fireworks display on the last night, a solid sermon on Sunday morning, and a sumptuous seafood lunch before being packed home.
Alas, but that was the event; it was a great event though, we experienced the manifest power of the Holy Spirit and saw the unfailing love of God poured over us, unconditionally, and even undeservedly.
We have gathered because the Lord is faithful, now we, the faithful, must go.
How do we go (and serve) in the power of the Holy Spirit, ministering to each other, and then to the lost, last and least in our midst? Our work now starts from where it begins, to keep the fresh winds blowing and ambers burning.
To this end, may I humbly suggest four areas of development for our spirit-man to consider:
i. Hunger for the Word
ii. Discipline in Prayer
iii. Participation in a Covenantal Community
iv. Manifest the Power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
i. Hunger for the Word
We do not read our Bibles enough; but when we do, we want to examine the Word rather than allow the Word to examine us. Knowing the Word of God will draw us closer to Him, and in so doing so, the Word of God examines us, so that we can be more like Christ.
From the Psalmist to St Paul, from Job to Jesus, you will read in the Bible repeatedly the exhortation to ‘hear the word’, ‘delight in the Word’, ‘meditate on His laws day and night’. I urge you, my brothers and sisters, to hunger for the Word, go join a Bible Study, do the Disciple Book together with some friends. Let the Word of God be the lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths.
Sign up for a Bible Study Group in Church. Walk through the Bible in CCMC is ongoing – sign up here.
ii. Discipline in Prayer
Philip Yancey wrote in his book Prayer, succinctly, that “the main purpose of prayer is not to make life easier, nor to gain magical powers, but to know God”.
It is in the humility that we approach the Throne of Grace and the Lord of lords, submitting our will to Him, that we will see our lives, speech and conduct change. It is about acknowledging the power of God who is in control, that we pray and ask for His will to be done.
We pray, so that in our lives, God can be is glorified. We petition so that we ourselves will know the cries of the Father, and be in sync with His heartbeat for the world.
Every first Tuesday of the month, attend the Prayer & Holy Communion Service at 8p.m.
iii. Participation in a Covenantal Community
“If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.”
– An African Proverb.
The gap between the rhetoric (of the Christian talk) and reality (of the Christian walk) is filled by accountability. John Wesley himself was a big proponent of small groups and was very intentional about individuals being placed in small groups (called Growth Groups in CCMC) in order to foster and encourage spiritual growth.
Faith is lived out in a community, and the accountability found in the safety of a small covenantal group is key to sustaining our ambers for the Lord; it will help us go the long haul.
Speak with Growth Groups Chairperson Seng Hock, or any of our friendly CCMC staff after service, and ask how to join a growth group if you are not yet in one.
iv. Manifest the Power of the Holy Spirit in our Lives
Serve. Muscles are only made stronger when it is worked. The book of James reminds us that faith by itself, if it does not have work, is dead.
We have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit, some of us have explored our personalities and are made aware of our Spiritual Gifts, many of us have examined our station and purpose in life, yet there are those of us who expounded on our stories and testimony.
Now it is the time to exercise our faith (and knowledge) by serving God and each another. The Power of the Holy Spirit is to be exercised for the common good, and to the service of others.
Do check out the various opportunities to serve God in church and beyond church with Outreach and Social Concerns, Witness and Evangelism and Missions!
I conclude by imploring us to continue fanning the flames within.
I leave us with a verse from Philippians 1:6, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Indeed, He will; now, will you let Him? Whom shall He send?
Photos by Natasha Oh, Michelle Lee, Lai Mun Loon, Various Campers