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  • Wendy Yeap

Why I Went To Church Camp

Updated: Jul 17

I had been questioning where I was to worship and serve for the past few years, but somehow felt that God still wanted me to stay put in CCMC.

I also had been getting the impression in my prayer time, that I needed to be more connected with the church. I had not been putting in the effort to get to know more people and give people the opportunity to know me, post-COVID.


I had not been to church camp for many years, but the camp theme this year interested me, and I liked that it was going to be at Batam.

I thought it would also be an opportunity for me to know more people. I asked my husband, Soon Leong, if he wanted to go for church camp. He was non-committal. I let the matter rest, until the registration for the camp was launched. I told God that I would go, if Soon Leong would go.

What was amazing was the very next day after I prayed, Soon Leong told me that during his devotion that morning, he felt prompted to go for the camp. The message he received was he had to put himself out there to build others up. As a result, I think we were among the first few to register for the camp.


At camp, the theme talks resonated with me. In brief, my takeaways were as follows. I am gifted with, for and to my sphere of influence. I am to pour out everything for Christ for what He has called me to. I can do all that because of the Holy Spirit who indwells me.


I was reminded to be filled with the Holy Spirit daily. Like a car, I can run on half tank, but I cannot do all I have to do without being filled fully with the Holy Spirit. The supply is not the issue. It is the demand! Am I willing to pay the price to get the supply? What fills me defines me! What fills me gives me my value! However, to be filled fully by the Holy Spirit, I need to be still. A moving vehicle cannot be filled.


God is almighty! I cannot be all of God, but I can be filled with the fullness of God. It is like a cup filled with sea water. The water in the cup is not the entire sea, but it is entirely sea water. To be filled with the fullness of God, I need to empty my life, so that God can completely fill me with Him.


Angel, the wife of Pastor Amos Tan, had a word for me after she prayed for me after one of the theme talks. The question she felt she had to ask me was what the desire of my heart was. The message I received was to sow with joy while reaching out to people in need. He will take care of me, heal me of hurts and help with my burdens.


There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit was present at the camp and God truly loves our church.


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