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Keeping the One Community Together

Alicia Tan

by Alicia Tan

CCMC One Community’s Life Groups remain connected during Circuit Breaker through online worship and fellowship. We speak to Ronak Robert and the Life Groups to find out what our church youths have been up to during this period.

Life Group 02's

Life Group Level: 02’s

Life Group Leaders: Edmund Chow and Rachel Hau

Reflections by Edmund

Q: Tell us about your life group sessions.

A: In the past few months, the 02’s life group explored the topic of apologetics. Beginning with existential questions related to our faith often asked by Christians, we studied “The Reason for God” by Timothy Keller, addressing concepts difficult to grapple with in our walks with Christ such as “how can a good God allow suffering”. We then moved on and are currently on proving and defending the faith using “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” by Josh and Sean McDowell. Stretching ourselves, we are peer leading the sessions and learning valuable skills that would enhance the defence of our faith for times of trial and persecution.

Q: How is your life group adapting to online fellowship?

A: Meeting online is difficult and makes a poor replacement for the prior weekly physical meetings we had before the circuit breaker and cancelled church services. But we are making the most of our current Zoom meetings and are grateful that such a tool exists for us to continue appreciating God and each other. We catch up over our weeks, keep each other accountable and in prayer during these tough times. Overall, we are struggling but we are staying strong in Him who will see us through.

"We are making the most of our current Zoom meetings and are grateful that such a tool exists for us to continue appreciating God."

Members’ Reflections

Samuel Lee: “I’m sad that we can’t meet in person to have life group during this period and really miss everybody but at the same time, I’m glad and grateful for platforms such as Zoom that allow us to still meet up online to have Bible study and catch up with one another.”

Hannah Au-Yong: “It’s sad that we can’t meet up physically, but I’m glad we’re journeying through this tough time together”

Michael Koh: “I guess I could say that online fellowship has been tough to accept because all of us much prefer to meet in person to do Bible Study. However due to the circumstances we are under this is the best we can do, and we can only appreciate God for the fact that we have the means to communicate with each other in the first place! I feel online sessions have been pretty effective as well as our leaders have taken so much time and effort to ensure we are able to grow spiritually despite the challenges we face in these trying times.”

Life Group 03's

Life Group Level: 03’s

Life Group Leaders: Zecheriah Sim, Rachel Koh, Wee Fang Qing

Reflections by Fang Qing

Q: Tell us about your life group sessions.

A: After we could not meet in church, our life group turned to online platforms like Zoom and Discord as it’s important that we remain in fellowship with each other even though we can’t be with each other physically. We continue having bible study sessions and pray together over these calls.

Q: How is your life group adapting to online fellowship?

A: While fellowship online definitely feels different and it gets particularly frustrating when someone has problems with Wifi connection, we continue to do so because we should not give up meeting together and we learnt to make the most out of these online meetings. It’s definitely harder to lead the group as I’m unable to read everyone’s facial expression and body language, and there are also fewer opportunities for small informal conversations unlike in physical meetings (where we might have time before or after life group time). However, I’m thankful that we can still meet online and that my kids have been making the effort to come online for life group. It’s definitely different and new but when there’s a will, there’s a way and life group time still remains an important aspect of church life!

“I feel so thankful that LG is still going on online because I am able to learn more about God and about different topics in the Bible!!"

Members' Reflections

Brandon Lim: “Online LG definitely has been an interesting and different experience for me, with awkward silences and many "hello can you hear me" throughout each meeting. However, I've still managed to learn more about God's word and enjoy the fellowship that this community provides, thanks to the effort that our leaders have put in!”

Brandon Lim: “It’s sad that we can’t meet up physically, but I’m glad we’re journeying through this tough time together”

Erlyn Alexander: “I feel so thankful that LG is still going on online because I am able to learn more about God and about different topics in the Bible!! It has been really impactful for me (especially when we discuss deeper questions because it's super interesting)”

Life Group 05's

Life Group Level: 05’s

Life Group Leaders: Michelle Lee and Ronak Robert

Reflections by Michelle and Ronak

Q: Tell us about your life group sessions.

A: Currently for the 05s life group sessions, we are covering the gospel of Mark. We have divided Mark into 3 Acts, namely: Who is Jesus? What does it mean for Jesus to be the Messiah? and How Jesus becomes the Messianic King? We do this over Zoom after the OC/YA service on Sundays. Some of the kids are also at different stages and walks and between meeting together as a big group, we either meet them in smaller groups modelled after the Wesleyan bands, or for one on one Bible readings, all online. At the same time, different ministries like the social media team and the warmth team in OC have been organising online games and Instagram challenges to keep the kids engaged.

Q: How is your life group adapting to online fellowship?

A: Attendance online is not very consistent during this period. Each youth is now operating on their own rhythm so meeting together can sometimes be a challenge. However this has forced us to meet the kids individually and has helped us to grow personal relationships with them and work on mentoring them closer. A community is very important in a youth’s Christian walk and so that serves as our motivation to keep pressing on despite the infrequent attendance. Nevertheless, no matter the size of the group, we feel that ever session is meaningful and can definitely feel God leading us in the meeting and we’re thankful for the experience and opportunity.

Members' Reflections

Caitlyn Gan: “We have been Zooming and talking about our week as well as doing Bible study during life group. This has strengthened my faith in the Lord and prayers for the COVID-19 situation especially during this difficult period.”

Danielle Tam: “I feel it’s lonely at times since we don’t have service/life group face to face, but having Zoom calls and the OC online games has made it better!! At least for the online games, we can all compete as a life group together and have fun :-)”

Life Group 06's

Life Group Level: 06’s

Life Group Leaders: Sylvia Lee

Reflections by Sylvia

Q: Tell us about your life group sessions.

A: The Zoom life group sessions usually consist of a few segments, namely sharing, Word and fellowship. During the sharing segment, everyone gets to share how their week has been, or how they have been coping since circuit breaker, or things that they crave during circuit breaker. Afterwards, we dive into the Word of God. Since circuit breaker, we have been doing Bible reading, specifically analysing the Gospel of Mark. Questions would be discussed and answered specific to the chapter of the week. Towards the end of the life group session, we would have fellowship. Online games such as would be played during the fellowship time, if not we would just chill and talk among ourselves.

Q: How is your life group adapting to online fellowship?

A: At the start of circuit breaker, life group attendance dropped significantly, probably due to family time taking a more significant priority since it’s much easier to gather the family physically in the boundaries of the home, or perhaps having the freedom to sleep and wake up whenever they want, resulting in them missing out on life group sessions. However, during the middle of the circuit breaker period, the attendance has been getting better, which might be due to the occasional checking in of those who did not come for life group sessions. Although it may be difficult at times to have fellowship due to technology and the preference to meet in person, connectivity among the life group people is still important and we’re so grateful for the various online platforms to still have fellowship with each other to help each other get through the circuit breaker period.

Members’ Reflections

Natasha Koh: “I feel that life group sessions over Zoom are the same as before but there are less distractions”

Wesley Ding: “Although I am grateful for Zoom life group sessions, I prefer to have physical life group as online life group sessions are still not the same as meeting up in person.”


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