John Series Online
by Rev Ian Lee
Ongoing 30-minute devotionals from the Gospel of John.
New episodes will be uploaded weekly.
Please consider using it for yourself, your small group or even with your family.

Here are the links to videos:
Jesus is the answer to these questions:
How are we here?
Why are we here?
We find meaning and purpose in the person of Jesus Christ and having a relationship with Him.
Jesus came to change us.
What it took for Jesus to be the Bridegroom at the heavenly banquet.
Trust Jesus. He wants to give us abundant life.
Jesus wants a relationship which allows Him to transform us.
We are nothing without the new life that God breathes in us.
Our hearts will be restless until we find our rest in Jesus.
How well you know Jesus determines how you relate to Him.
We may seek Jesus, but Jesus seeks for us.
Bringing completion to the big picture.
The God who is control and provides.
Future Hope and Past Faithfulness.
Direction and presence.
Embracing the disqualified.
The only way and the only one.
Coming to terms with Jesus
The hope and tears of Jesus
A King on His own terms
Intentional servanthood