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Growing In The Waiting

Huang Wen Tao

In this short sharing, CCMC's Mandarin Ministry congregant Wen Tao reflects on what it means to grow in faith with God, while waiting for the significant things in life.

Have you ever experienced waiting for something significant?

Perhaps it's the long-awaited response from a school application, the anxious anticipation of reuniting with a loved one, or the yearning for a promised fulfilment.

Our ancestor Abraham, originally called Abram, deeply understood the essence of waiting.

I imagine him gazing at the countless stars in the sky, sitting alone on the grass, conversing with God.

God promised him that he would become Abraham, the father of many nations, yet he was already eighty years old and still without a child.

"How can I become the father of many?" he might have wondered.

God assured him the he would not just be a great patriarch, but a father of many nations.

Yet, he still had no children.

Every word, every pause in God's promise, Abraham remembered vividly, able to recite them by heart.

Despite the challenges of life, he believed in God and waited.

Ultimately, as we know, our ancestor Abraham did receive his children and witnessed the fulfilment of God's promise to make his descendants as numerous as the stars.

Today, we may also face various pressures and endure different kinds of waiting. Though our circumstances may differ, our faith in God remains constant.

In the waiting, we grow; in the trials, we are strengthened.


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